5075 Stacey Drive E. T-4
Harrisburg, PA 17111
1. We admitted that we lost control of our behavior when intensely angry, that our emotional immaturity damaged our most
precious relationships including our relationship with God.
2. We accept the reality that there can be no spiritual maturity until we possess and maintain emotional maturity.
3. We admitted that we blamed our feelings on people and circumstances and refused to take any responsibility for those
feelings and resulting behaviors.
4. We admitted that we justified destructive behaviors because we had feelings which we believed were caused by others.
5. We came to understand and accept that we alone cause our feelings and that we are totally responsible for our own
decisions and behaviors.
6. We recognize and believe that we are angry only because we are not getting our own way and we became willing to admit
that truth out loud.
7. We began to ask God for the strength to maintain an acceptable level of behavior every day and to ask Him to remove
our insane desire to have our own way.
8. We admit that we have no right to demand or force people to be as we want them to be and we grant them the right to
be who and how they are.
9. We retain the right and see the need to express all of our feelings in a non destructive manner which is free from
any threat to anyone well being.
10.We understand that much of our anger and rage is part of a chronic pattern of behavior and reaction to circumstances,
over which we often feel powerless, which we began learning in childhood.
11.We acknowledge our total dependence upon God, as we understand Him, to transform and renew our thinking and to give
us the strength to say no to ourselves, to feel our feelings and still maintain control over our behavior.
12.Having experienced true freedom from the dominance of our emotions, we accept total responsibility for all of our feelings
and behaviors and we are committed to helping others find that same freedom from the destructiveness of emotional immaturity.